var generateValidKeyPair = function myself() {
var nacl = all_crypto.tweetnacl;
var keyPair = nacl.sign.keyPair();
var fullPrivateKey = toHexString(keyPair.secretKey);
var publicKey = toHexString(keyPair.publicKey);
var privateKey = fullPrivateKey.replace(publicKey, "");
return {
hexPrivateKey: privateKey,
hexPublicKey: publicKey
function toHexString(byteArray) {
return, function(byte) {
return ('0' + (byte & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2);
Network Prefix
The network prefix is added to the address to make the final walle address and can be either:
Mainnet network prefix is: M0
Testnet network prefix is: T0
Creating a wallet address
Once you have a keypair you can use the public key and the network prefix to make a wallet address:
var makeAddress = function(publicKey, networkPrefix) {
var hashedAddress = all_crypto.cryptojs.RIPEMD160(all_crypto.cryptojs.SHA256(publicKey).toString()).toString();
var networkAddress = networkPrefix + hashedAddress;
var hashedAddressAgain = all_crypto.cryptojs.SHA256(all_crypto.cryptojs.SHA256(networkAddress).toString()).toString();
var checksum = hashedAddressAgain.substring(0, 6);
return all_crypto.base64.Base64.encode(networkAddress + checksum);
WIF (Wallet Information Format)
In the Axentro standard wallet format we put the private key in WIF format. You can build the WIF like this:
var makeWif = function(privateKey, networkPrefix) {
var networkKey = networkPrefix + privateKey;
var hashedKey = all_crypto.cryptojs.SHA256(all_crypto.cryptojs.SHA256(networkKey).toString()).toString();
var checksum = hashedKey.substring(0, 6);
return all_crypto.base64.Base64.encode(networkKey + checksum);
Getting items out
From a WIF we can get the private key and network type:
var getPrivateKeyAndNetworkFromWif = function(wif) {
var decodedWif = all_crypto.base64.Base64.decode(wif);
var networkPrefix = decodedWif.substring(0, 1);
var network = networkPrefix === "M0" ? mainnet : testnet;
var privateKeyHex = decodedWif.substring(2, decodedWif.length - 6);
return {
privateKey: privateKeyHex,
network: network
From a private key we can get the public key
var getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey = function(privateKey) {
var ec = new all_crypto.elliptic.eddsa('ed25519');
var key = ec.keyFromSecret(privateKey);
var publicKey = toHexString(key.getPublic());
return publicKey;